
First Sunday

Yesterday was my first Sunday at GSGBC. The congregation is small but full of the Holy Spirit, a welcome sight. I introduced myself at both the morning service and the evening coffeehouse service.

A funny story to pass on:
In the morning service John Pressdee was preaching after I had introduced myself to the congregation. To illustrate the point that we needed to rest in God's promises, John began to sit down on one of the brand new American made chairs the church had just gotten. As he went to sit, however, he stopped himself and just sort of squatted over the chair, straining to hold his position. Just as we often question God's ability to support us, John questioned the chair: "I don't know if I can trust this chair. It's American, you know." I nearly yelled out at that point, saying "The Americans have saved your behind once before, John."

When I told this to John after the service, he burst out laughing and said I should have done it. It's nice to know that the congregation has a sense of humor.


katherine said...

oh good!! you fit in! i bet you're perfect for england. i bet they've fallen madly in love with you and never want you to leave. i bet you refresh them, and present them new angles. you are their youthful spirit they have forgotten. they being england of course. thrive there, grow there. i'm praying for you, and for kate. i love you, i love you.

bob said...

Keep up the good work
teach them Gau gau ...then kick their ...well you know
we misss you here at camp
keep us posted

Mom said...

Glad you're doing well. Hey, did you ever find out about the redundancy of the name? Green...Green? Or did it become apparent as soon as you saw the place.

We watched a PBS special re: D-Day last eve. Much of it from the British point of view, which we hadn't had as much exposure to.