As great a time as I've been having in England to date, it's hard not to get a little homesick when so many things are just a little unfamiliar. But Thursday night a little piece of home flew over to visit for a week. Hooray! Kate is here and we've been having a fabulous time together.
She's already met several of the people from the church and the people I've been working with. I think she'd agree that there are many colorful characters here at GSGBC. For example, walking up the steps to the sanctuary this morning for church, John Pressdee (the pastor) stepped out and told her I had been barred from the church.
At any rate, this is coincidentally a rather slow week for me too, so we're having a good amount of time to ourselves to do some sightseeing around here and in London. We were there yesterday getting soaked (apparently, summer is nowhere in sight) and seeing whatever we could. We'll go back again tomorrow to do some more.
yay! glad you two are having fun and my rain jacket is being put to good use
dear mike and kate, i miss you. i am glad you are having fun. drink tea. love jess
yay! did you get the pictures? tell kate i said hi. :)
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